
Sega saturn emulator tutorial
Sega saturn emulator tutorial

sega saturn emulator tutorial
  1. #Sega saturn emulator tutorial how to#
  2. #Sega saturn emulator tutorial portable#
  3. #Sega saturn emulator tutorial software#
  4. #Sega saturn emulator tutorial Pc#

and delete the toc.binĭouble click gsaturn.exe to start your game.Įither you create the game disc image in BIN/CUE format using Portable ImgBurn, you can download here.Or you get game image from the twinlight zone. You need to edit USER.INI the DriveLetter = F and replace the F with your drive letter, either is a real physical or a virtual CD/DVD drive.

#Sega saturn emulator tutorial Pc#

You also can using your pc game controller's. The start button is the keyboard ENTER.įor Player 2, you need to edit the USER.INI, change the value P2Enable = TRUE and A,S,D is button X,Y,Z the keyboard Q,W is the L,R. The keyboard mapping for the gamepad is Up,Dwon, Left, Right is the keyboard Up, Down, Left, Right Z,X,C is button A,B,C. Just delete the BKRAM1.BIN, BKRAM2.BIN and SMEM.BIN from VirtualStore\Windows\profiles\saturn. Just in-case, the saturn reporting memory not ready or something not ready. Only edit the one in the \VirtualStore\Windows\profiles\saturn if you planing on change the system configuration. I already set all the default configured correctly, the one included on the package. In this case is Windows 10, some older operating system you can found a folder some where in your C:\Windows\profiles\saturn directoryĬopy and paste the USER.INI from the package to the VirtualStore\Windows\profiles\saturn and replaced the existing USER.INI. By default the USER.INI is placed in hereĬ:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\ VirtualStore\Windows\profiles\saturn If you first time run the Gsaturn.exe, a folder directory structure is created on your user profiles, look at here.

sega saturn emulator tutorial

Took me several hours to composed this tutorial as simple as possible, hope you Like it. While the gsaturn is running, pressing the F4 key makes frame rate displayed on the screen and pressing the numerical 0-6 keys makes the graphic layers disappear and reappear.

sega saturn emulator tutorial

Most common technical issues solved and have fun. IndirectSound dsound.dll solved the sound card solved CD/DVD drive issues. I using BAT file to run few simple command for few tasks, lot easy this way, no frontend interface needed. What's included on the package? I already solved and fix missing piece of the settings on the configuration files, like the USER.INI, GAMES.DAT. IndirectSound also can caused some of the game slow responding, you can just move the dsound.dll to different folder and run the application again. IndirectSound, to learn more you can visit here. Gsaturn is a retro application, and you required to installed the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010), you can download it here.The common error appeared on gsaturn is the DirectSound error, but i got a solution for it and already included on the package, if your sound card not support it somehow.

#Sega saturn emulator tutorial how to#

I going to guide you step by step how to play your Saturn game on your computer, either one way or another, using a game disc or a game disc image.

sega saturn emulator tutorial

Nowadays, modem computer system is enough horse power for the gsaturn to run smoothly on majority game. On this tutorial, i using a netbook powered by a atom processor, you can check the directx diagnostic tool screenshots and the gsaturn screenshots too. Depend on your satisfaction, your can play almost most of the game, but with a cache, some CGI might look odd, and some game required you to fine tune a configuration file.

#Sega saturn emulator tutorial software#

The history lesson, the Gsaturn is a software to run downloadable Sega Saturn titles on the online Cyber Disc/B-Club service and closing in March 2004, too bad no more up to date version. Long story short, This tutorial shared to people with common interest and i not owned the emulator application and the files included inside the complete package, GSaturn.zip you can download at here. So, i look forward on internet look for a Sega Saturn emulator and encounter the GigiGigi Saturn, a version can play majority of the commercial game on computer. I am a big fan of the Sega Saturn console, and lot of game titles collection.

Sega saturn emulator tutorial